hidden messages in Nas tracks

Amazing post!


I’m not really a conscious rapper fan. A conscious rapper is one who raps about the truth behind the government organizations and their hidden motives in the African-American struggle,etc along that nature. Recently, I have been exposed and enlightened on certain topics such as Planned Parenthood and their affiliation with ethnocentrism, population control, and the American Birth Control League. Among other things like the truth behind the source of the crack cocaine epidemic in L.A in the 80′s (the CIA), has intrigued me to further educate myself on the real truth and not what we have been conditioned to believe. Nas is a great start for he is knowledgeable and reputable as far as him length of time on the rap scene. I’ve never been a particular fan but three Nas songs in particular speak about the importance of expanding your mind and learning these hidden messages, learning about African-American…

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